Direct Mail for Universities Colleges and Schools

Elevate Your University Fundraising Program and Outreach

In today’s data-driven world where personalized engagement is key, Splash leverages advanced analytics and cutting-edge technology to craft direct mail campaigns for targeted fundraising, prospect outreach and alumni engagement.

Meeting Your University’s Direct Mail Fundraising Goals

Higher education direct mail spans many different audiences, from new students and parents to alumni, donors and board of directors. Keeping your campaigns consistent and organized may not be an easy feat (especially with multiple campuses).

At Splash, we’ll help you scale your complex direct mail campaigns to effectively:

  • Increase Donations
  • Foster Your Alumni Network
  • Attract Potential Students and Drive Applications
  • Reactivate Lapsed Candidates or Students
  • Support Your Overall Higher Education Brand

Direct Mail Fundraising Services for Universities Colleges and Schools

We’re committed to helping you nurture valuable relationships through the power of a well-crafted direct mail marketing campaign.

With direct mail marketing services designed for the complexities of higher education, you’ll have access to the latest in print technologies, marketing automation and digital integration to reach your audiences on their favorite channels.

Your One-Stop Shop for Direct Mail Services for Universities:

  • Full Campaign Evaluation
  • Data Management
  • List Segmentation
  • In-House Design and Development
  • Quick Turnaround Time
  • 1:1 Personalization
  • Variety of Engaging Formats
  • Sophisticated Marketing Automation
  • Digital integration
  • High-Quality Print and Mail
  • In-Depth Campaign Results and Attribution
  • SOC2 Compliance

Personalization and Direct Mail Segmentation for Universities

Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with your audience one-on-one.

Personalization is more than just adding a name – and list segmentation goes beyond mere categorization. It’s using variable data printing (VDP) to add specific variables throughout the mailpiece – all in a single print run.

Think of the opportunities to utilize variable data in the higher education space – including variable elements related to your recruitment, retention and fundraising segments (e.g., program of interest, start dates, suggested donor amounts or amount of last donation, QR codes and PURls). We’ll help you maximize the value of each mailpiece with cutting-edge technology and innovation, ensuring your fundraising efforts hit the highest ROI.

Elevate Your Fundraising and Campus Recruitment Campaigns with Advanced Marketing Technologies

Splash also offers tech-savvy solutions to help you seamlessly consolidate your student communications among colleges, campuses and types of programs while increasing your multichannel touchpoints.

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Powerful Direct Marketing Automation

Do you have recurring, high-volume direct mail campaigns for each stage of recruitment, enrollment and alumni and donors? Operate more effectively with a platform that combines custom print and digital solutions to leverage templates and eliminate redundancy to streamline your direct mail.

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Results-Driven Integrated Marketing

What if you could increase the effectiveness of your direct mail campaigns by 23 – 46%? Seamlessly target your student and alumni population with awareness and brand-building campaigns, delivering your message on all the popular digital channels.

University Direct Mail Campaigns

At Splash, you’ll find eye-catching university mailers that communicates your institution’s mission, achievements and fundraising needs to alumni, students and potential donors.

Examples of university direct mail campaigns include:

  • Student Recruitment Direct Mail
  • Alumni Engagement Mailers
  • University Appeal Letters
  • Charitable Gift Reminders
  • Planned Giving Mail Campaigns
  • Legacy Giving Direct Mail
  • Alumni Giving Direct Mail
  • Foundation Fundraising Mailers
  • Major Gift Solicitation
  • Donor Stewardship Mail

Using Direct Mail for Alumni Engagement

We understand the significance of fostering lasting connections with alumni to support fundraising efforts for your educational institution. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and strategic insights, we facilitate effective communication while optimizing fundraising outcomes – to maximize potential donor engagement.

Get a Complimentary Campaign Review Today!

Contact us today to learn how to transform your fundraising direct mail campaign, so you can help deliver on your university foundation’s mission. Harness the power of direct marketing, personalization and marketing automation to drive alumni engagement, student recruitment, and overall institutional advancement – supercharging your campaigns.